Well, tomorrow is your birthday, and we'll light a candle. A year (and a bit more) has now passed, and our lives continue, albeit with a different slant without you Dan. You are always in our hearts. Isla and Phemie miss you so much. And although the pain does diminish, you will never be forgotten. Keep that Jupiter star shining bright. Love you Dan. X
Uncle Ben
6th February 2016
Danny since you left I've missed you every minute with all my heart , life is not the same and I guess never will be without you my best friend , I feel so so sad son x
12th January 2016
everyday day Danny i miss you miss those jokes , miss those wind ups , miss our football texts , miss our music chats but most of all i miss my best friend.. i still cant get my head around this Danny boy ... until we meet again .. like in my dreams .. love u x
14th June 2015